He is also loving getting to eat solid foods he loves bananas and avocados, he seems to enjoy the braised beef I made him the other day and he loves sweet potatoes, but I think his favorite thing is getting to feed himself. a new thing we just started.
Henry also loves that he can scoot around the room and pull himself up on various pieces of furniture.
But his favorite thing is to be under something especially under this little table we have in the corner he will crawl/scoot from the kitchen and squeeze between the couch and this table just to get under it and play.
Everyday this little guy puts a smile on my face and does something to make me laugh (like sucking on his big toes it is amazing how fascinated his by toes). I am so grateful that I get to stay at home and watch him grow although he is growing to fast for me. I love seeing him learn new things and just seeing his smile or hearing his laugh.
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