Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2 months is a long time not to update; I guess maybe I should update my blog more often but then again who has time? Seriously I have been trying to find time do the things I use or at least thought I use to do but now am wondering and thinking I most not have done as much as I thought . Anyway what have we have been up to these last couple of months. Well we spent April and May in the beautiful state of Oklahoma. I remember spending every time here every summer when I was a little girl we would take family vacation to visit most of my extended family. I hadn't back for almost 3 years and it was really nice to spend so much time with family, especially my Granny and Papa. We spent the 2 months living with them while Tucker took some training courses for his new job. Since we have been back for the last month we have learned that being in a house is more expensive than an apartment because of all the yard work that has to get done. But it is nice to have a yard and a garden. We are trying our hand at growing tomatoes (for salsa of course), butternut squash, pumpkins and watermelon (which we fear won't make it). Also since being home I have gotten to visit some with family here and explore more of the wonderful city that we live in. It is wonderful taking walks to downtown with Henry (the cupcakes are nice to). We love how green it is here and how friendly everyone is. Henry is now 6months almost 7 and he is scooting/crawling all over the place he has 3 teeth and is working on added 3 more (yippee) and pulling himself up on anything he can.

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