Monday, January 12, 2009

Where do we go from here?

So Tucker and I are looking into different airports around the country and we are trying to decide where we should move. I am just curious if you had the opportunity to move anywhere where would you move and why? What do you look for in a city or location before you pack-up and head across the country? Please let me know your thoughts.

Weekends together again

Tucker and I finally share a day off together. Last year we only had about 2 months where we shared a day off. This means we get to take more day trips around California, and maybe we will get to see a few more Cubs game and ballparks out here in the west. Our big adventure this week was grocery shopping and a trip to the hardware store, although we should have gone to the beach. The weather was perfect today and it was in the mid-80s... not to bad for January! Hopefully we can do something more exciting next week.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

I know I am a little late with this post, but better late than never. I hope everyone had a great New Years! As with most people I am excited for the new year. I now it will be full of surprises and lots of adventures.

In the spirit of change I have a made a few New Years Resolutions and yes I am writing them down for the world or whoever reads this blog to read in the hope that I actually keep a few.

First I need to improve my attitude towards attending church with my current ward. Yes I go but I usually leave early because I feel unwanted, so I need to change that.

I also want to reread the Book of Mormon, I need to be better about reading my scriptures more regularly.

I want to stop biting my nails, I always seem to have this on my list. I did better last year, just not good enough to kick the habit. My nails would get long enough for me to consider a manicure but by the time I had the money the nails where gone. Oh well maybe this will be the year.

Lastly the big one, I want to lose 60lbs. by Jan. 1, 2010. Yes that seems like a lot but that is only 5lbs. a month so 1-2lbs. a week which is healthy.

So those are my goals for the year and hopefully with any luck I might actually keep a few of them.