Monday, August 11, 2008

Elk Burgers

Thursday night Tucker and I finally tried the Elk burgers, since I didn't like the Buffalo burgers I wasn't too excited about trying them. The were actually very good. They were juicier than the Buffalo, but the texture was pretty much the same. If I ever have to choose between eating Elk and Buffalo I would eat the Elk, but truth be told just give me beef and I would be happy.

Playing Hooky

A few words of advice, when playing hooky always have a good story and never do anything where you might be caught. For instance this past week I called in sick to work so I could go to a baseball game. By the way I can now say I have been to all the baseball fields in Southern California. The game was at 12:30pm, I applied tons of sunscreen at home before the game I apparently didn't apply enough. I now have funny tan lines because of the angle of the sun, and I roasted throughout the game because it was so hot. However the Angels won, so I guess that makes it worth it. And no I am not an Angels fan but the Cubs weren't playing and the were the home team. As for having a good story, I must have been believable when I called in because everyone keep asking me if I was feeling better and someone else wanted to compare symptoms. So always be prepared when you are "sick".

Return of the Curls

So as promised, here are some pictures of my hair with the curls. Thankfully I love my haircut and it is nothing like I originally thought it would be. Tucker loves the curls as well in fact when he first saw my hair straight he thought it I had straighten my hair permanently. He was happy to see that my curls came back. Sorry I don't have any pictures of the back, but that is hard to do when you are the one taking the pictures.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008


So I finally did it. I woke up this morning and decided that I had to get my haircut, the last time I had a haircut was April of 2007. As I often do when I make a rash decision I don't really think about the end product. I knew I wanted it shorter it is just to hot in California to have long hair so off it went, and while I like it now when it is nice and styled. I am not sure what it will be like in the morning when it goes back to the usual curl. Maybe if it is not too terrible I will post a picture of the curly version, and if I hate I will cry for only the second time in my life over a bad haircut. But for now the verdict is still out.

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