Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Tucker and I had a blast carving our pumpkin this year. I was hoping to get lots of trick-or-treaters this year since we had none last year. You selected our specimen from Wal-Mart since there aren't really any pumpkin patches out here. We decided to go with a hand drawn faces instead of the pattern variety. I got to draw the face which reminded me of growing up. On the chosen pumpkin carving day I remember coming home from school and eagerly awaiting dad's arrival to past the time I would draw out the face I wanted. Even after dad got home we had to wait first cleaning out the guts and than waiting for my turn to have dad draw on the face and watch as I made the big easy cuts and then I got to watch as he finished and than we had to sort out the seeds so he could roast them. I loved the waking up to the smell of the freshly roasted pumpkin seeds. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays probably because of all the "free" candy. I was also happy that the number of trick-or-treaters tripled this year I got a total of 3.

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