Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekends together

For the past 4 months or so Tucker and I have been able to have weekends together, I had Sunday and Monday off while he had Monady and Tuesday off so we took a few trips to places by us. The place was Big Bear Lake,and I guess technically we took this trip before I started working.

Here is Santa Monica Peir and Point Dume Beach, we had a wonderfully day here although this was back in December which is why the beach was empty, we had it all to ourselves it was such a gorgeous day, although we only stuck our feet in the water because it was a little chilly.

And here we have our last big adventure, Santa Barbara I took a long weekend, and Tucker surprised me by renting a hotel right on the ocean. We rented a tandem bike to ride around the city, I think we had it for about an hour and than we were done. THe seats were not very comfortable and I got a bruise from a knob hitting my leg. I was also forbidden frim sitting on the front and steering, after I almost crashed into a park bench. In my defense Tucker didn't tell me wasn't ready. Anyway we had a great time and enjoyed watchng the sun set and than driving around trying to find someplace open that sold ice-cream we settled on buying pints at Albertson's when the lines were to long everywhere else.

I am going to miss having these weekends together but at least, Tucker will be able to attend church with me again for a little while.
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Chino Hills State Park

Tucker and I hiked around this state park last year about mid July and here are some of the pictures we took.

Below are pictures from the same area but earlier this year I think it was sometime in March, it was almost to late to go since some of the green had already faded. It is disappointing sometimes at how quickly things go from green to brown. The mountains out here could be soi pretty if they were only greener.
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Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Lost Art of Pie

The stake had a big pioneer day activity for which I signed up to bring a double crusted fruit pie. I thought it would be fun to make a pie, so I did. When I dropped it off at the activity mine was the only one not store bought. Now I didn't stay for the activity so maybe some homemade pies were brought in after I left, I hope so because there is nothing better than homemade pie. Not to mention the smell of the pie baking what could be better?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tagged Twice

So I was tagged twice in about 24hours so this will have to do for both tags because I don't think I have 12 random things to say about myself.

The rules are as follows for this chain letter:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Write six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your blog entry is up.

Six Random things:
  1. I recently rode a tandem bicycle, what an adventure that was.
  2. I love watching NASCAR on Sunday afternoons, and I secretly hope Tony Stewart will win.
  3. My favorite place is laying in bed curled up in Tucker's arm.
  4. I am known as Trina by about 1/3 of the clients I call at work. At least once a day Trina gets paged letting her know she has a phone call.
  5. I miss SNOW!
  6. I broke the side mirror glass to my new car about a week after I started parking it in the garage.

Since I don't know six people with a blog Gillian, since I don't think you have responded yet, Gigi and Zac because you always have fun things to say so consider yourself tagged. I would tag Miranda and Kerstin but since they tagged me I figure I will just let it go for now.

Monday, July 21, 2008


We had buffalo burgers for dinner last night. They weren't as good as I remembered them being, from the Feast of the Hunter's Moon. Maybe they were just more exotic when I was younger. We purchased the buffalo burgers along with some elk burgers from a local butcher Tucker found, they were on sale so we thought why not. I am not sure how I feel about eating elk but who knows maybe it will taste like chicken....ok maybe more like beef than chicken.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Baseball season is half-way now and the cub are still leading the NL Central. Yeah this might be the year after all. We have had the chance to see the cubs play twice so far this year. Once at Petco park where they beat the Padres 7-6 and than about a week later we were able to see them play at Dodger Stadium where they beat the dodgers 3-1. One day we would like to be able to say we have seen the Cubs play at every NL stadium, but we will see.

Tucker's new grill.


Now that summer is in full swing what better why to celebrate than to grill. Well in order for us to do that Tucker had to buy a new grill. It is the perfect size for us; plus it has a light, warming rack and ignition start. He couldn't be happier unless he is eating the steak he grilled on it to break it in.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Old and New

Goodbye Green Monster

About two months ago we sold my first car ( the green mercury) it had just rolled over 200,000 miles to a place that will pick it a part. But we also bought our first new car, a cute little Honda civic ( the gas mileage is great).

50 weeks from knowing

So those of you who don't know, Tucker has finally completed his training at the Chino Airport here in Southern California. What this means for us is that in about 50 weeks he can start looking at other airports and applying for a transfer. So this is great news for us. Hopefully we can finally go somewhere where they have real weather and not the same sunny cloudless days all the time. While the weather is nice but we are ready for something different and maybe a little cooler.