Thursday, October 20, 2011

A little Catching up to do

So I haven't been really good about posting this year, I think a an good at it for awhile and than I just stop. Usually because I convince myself that there is something better I could be doing but is there really? Usually it is watching TV after Henry is in bed, or trying to play catch up on laundry, dishes mopping sweeping all things that my wonderful husband would do, before we had Henry, and I was working (sometimes I miss going to work). I love being at home and watching Henry discover new things and growing. I think I just don't like all the other stuff that comes with staying home.
Anyway enough complaining. I am almost finished with Henry's Halloween costume I have to attach the ears and the last little bit of fur. Henry has started walking he doesn't take more than six steps without grabbing onto something or someone, but he is getting there. He loves to empty the cabinets while I am making lunch, dinner, breakfast. Yesterday he opened the tub of shortening and stuck his hands in. Luckily I caught him before he smeared it everywhere. His favorite place to play is the front closet and he loves to pull his toy truck around the floor with him. We also took some family pictures recently.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Very Cute!! I hope we get to see you soon.