Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Naked Neighbors

So how does one politely remind their neighbor to close the blinds when you are cooking/ walking around your apartment naked? I got home from work this evening and as my husband was preparing dinner we notice the neighbor across the way was at least completely topless and walking around her kitchen which lines up perfectly with ours. Needless to say turning on and off lights isn't enough to make one aware that their blinds are open. I am thinkg of leaving a note on their door but I also hope this is a one time event, and I won't have to do anything.


Melissa C said...

HA HA HA! That's great. I'm probably that neighbor because invariably when I go to get dressed, one of the kids has the blinds opened or has broken on of the sections off. I'm scrunched down on the floor trying to get dressed like I'm in a 9 x 12 cage (which may be the end of me after these kids :)). I'm so glad you have a blog!

Camilla and Tim said...

WOW!! Thats classic! Did you end up leaving a note?