I was so excited last week when the weather appeared more fall like. The temperature was in the mid 80's and the day started off looking like rain. While it never rained and most of the clouds/haze whatever you want to call it burned off by the afternoon it was nice to have weather more like Indiana. While I miss the beautiful colors of fall, I love seeing the mountains appear out of the haze, and I enjoy watching the color slowly creep back into the mountainside. I have also discovered pedicures. I don't remember getting pedicures before moving out here. But now a group of us try to to get together every other month or so and relax. It is one of the best things every. Just sitting there talking with friends and being treated like a queen, and your toes look great all for around $20. You can't beat that.
That haze you speak of is actually smog.....just think of it as smoking a pack a day without taking up the habit cigarette smoking.
That soup is normally so thick that you can't see the mountains. One day after a strong storm all the polution was blown away and I was surprised to see those mountains....I had forgotten they were there.
Why do you think the wife and I moved up to Victorville....cheaper houses and clean air!
Oh Serena, pedicures are one of my favorite luxuries! Enjoy.
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