Wow Halloween seems like it is almost here again, so I had better get all caught up so here goes.
had such a great time at Halloween visiting Tucker's sister that Henry and I went back for
Thanksgiving. and as tradition would have it Tucker and I took Henry out
to cut down a Christmas tree the next day.
They had a train to go see Santa and we got to roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while we waited for the train to come back and than we selected the best tree and Tucker cut it down with help from Henry.
I made an advent calendar with lots of fun activities to do in the countdown for Christmas.
and we became pet owners, we had a couple of fish for 3 weeks and decided we aren't goldfish people (they haven't been replaced).
Henry Turned 2!!!!
Some of the advent activities included making a gingerbread house ( i made the gingerbread form scratch it was delicious, but I think I must have been crazy to do this 8months pregnant).
We also went to a neighboring city and went to the Santa House which was super neat. There where trains set up everywhere, Henry was always looking at a train and not the cameras.
Finally Christmas Came!
Tucker went snowmobiling with his brother and I got to visit with my sister (for a little while).
Tucker crashed the snowmobile and separated his shoulder. He ended up having surgery just after the new year and before our new addition. I don't have many pictures from this time maybe because Tucker is more the photographer or maybe he was just in too much pain for me to capture it. But we are thankful for all of the help from the Grandparents you came up to help with Henry during this time of recovery and awaiting the arrival of Charlie.
Charles was born January 15. He decided not to wait for the C-section and came flying into the world at 2:34am maybe 10 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. We where scheduled for a C-section at 10am later that day. Here are pictures of Henry meeting his brother for the first time. Henry didn't come to the hospital because he had been sick and we thought it was best to introduced them at home.
Daddy and Charlie sleeping |
Henry and Daddy enjoying the snow.
We had family pictures taken in February.
In March we celebrated 7 years of marriage and blessed Charlie on our anniversary.
Henry and Charlie hanging out around the house hoping for warmer weather.
Uncle Zac came for a visit the boys had a blast with him. Henry loves to play the sandwich game he taught him and talks about Uncle Yak coming again.
Finally it got warm and we have been enjoying the good weather with picnics at Dow Gardens ( I finally finished our picnic blanket with the help of some wonderful laurels). Trips to the park, trying out Henry's new helmet and tricycle from Christmas, the beach and Greenfield Village where we rode in a Model-T and an old steam train.
We have also been to a petting farm and feed mini bulls and goats.
We have been staying busy and trying to enjoy all the nice weather while we have it and adjusting to life with 2 kids. We hope everyone is doing well, too.